Ropani System

Bigha System


Area Converter Information

The following is a list of everyday units used to calculate land area in Nepal.

  • 1 Bigha = 20 Kattha = 6772.63 m² = 72900 sq.ft. = 13.31 Ropani
  • 1 Katha= 20 Dhur = 338.63 m² = 3645 sq.ft.
  • 1 Dhur = 16.93 m² = 182.25 sq.ft.
  • 1 Ropani = 16 Aana = 64 Paisa = 508.72 m² = 5476 sq.ft. = 256 Daam = 4 llka
  • 1 Aana = 4 Paisa = 31.80 m² = 342.25 sq. ft. = 16 Daam
  • 1 Paisa = 4 Daam = 7.95 m² = 85.56 sq. ft.
  • 1 Daam = 1.99 m² = 21.39 sq. ft.

The units of measurement of area of land depends on the part of the country where they are being used, with the Bigha-Katha-Dhur measurements common in the Terai region while the Ropani-Aana measurements are common in hilly and mountainous regions.

Conversion Rate

  • 1 ropani = 74 feet × 74 feet
  • 1 bigha = 13 ropani
  • 1 kattha = 442 square yards or 338 square meters

Terai Region

In the Terai region, the southern parts of Nepal, the customary units are those used elsewhere in South Asia:

  • 1 katha = 20 dhur
  • 1 bigha = 20 katha

Conversions for Terai customary units

Hilly and mountainous regions

A different system is used in hilly regions:

  • 1 paisa = 4 dam (daam)
  • 1 ana = 4 paisa
  • 1 ropani = 16 ana

Conversions for Mountainous customary units

Lalpurja Nepal